[종이책] Dream Unshared - Your dream, Not intruded last night? Really safe?
Dream Unshared
  • ISBN
    979-11-955926-4-7 (03800)
  • 저자
    저자 : 전영수 Y.S.Jeon
  • 제본형식
    종이책 - 무선제본
  • 형태 및 본문언어
    371 / 152*228 / 영어
  • 가격정보
  • 발행(예정)일
  • 납본여부
  • 발행처
  • 키워드
    dream; calvin; clinic; healing; linda; share; strategy;
  • 연관정보
    9791195592609  정보확인
An event occurs stealthily in a small clinic on the Hilltop Street in Global Island City, an artificial island, 17 kilometers from the mainland. No one knew it, but it happened unwittingly. It was definitely an announcement of the beginning. Calvin, a young doctor who treats visitors of mental illness through the Dream Capsule or through various methods of Following in dreams. At one time the doctors went to the house with his backpack on his side, but now he visits through a dream. Calvin, who helps any patient escape from the internal injuries, heartbreak, depression and loss that he or she suffered as a child. And Linda, a happy woman who lives by looking at her. And there are shadows that secretly watch them. Calvin is constantly subjected to cynicism and criticism from the press, the broadcasting and the psychiatry circles, but his pure belief does not change like a flowing river. He goes on to make sure that the military's surveillance and control secretly binds him, but struggles to realize human happiness and love through the treatment of dreams. What is he trying to protect? Can Calvin, who has to overcome the access and temptation of women around him, preserve the values of dreams and the secrets of dreams? What is he trying to protect, despite the constant conflict between old love and treachery, parting and hope, military purposes and daily peace? His beliefs provide a comfortable basis for ordinary citizens to enjoy everyday happiness. How valuable is Calvin's struggle to live, having experienced the realities of the spiritual world, helping those have been firmly wounded! How will doctors, driven by greed, react to his creative medical practices, who seek to gain benefits through conflict and destruction rather than peace?
DREAM UNSHARED. Copyright Ⓒ 2019 by Y.S.JEON. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed on any printed or electronic form without written permission. Please do not participate on or encourage privacy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions. PENANDBOOK106-812, 145, Baegyanggwanmun-ro 77beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan, South Korea. penandbook@hanmail.netⓇ 2018. 10. 26 (513-98-41047)This novel is a work of fiction. Names, descriptions, entities, and place names, incidents included in the book are from author's imagination. Any resemblances to actual persons, episode, events are coincidental.
"Listen to me, again, Dr. Calvin." "You can just call me Calvin. If you feel awkward, you may call me doctor, ma'am. "  "Yes, I call you Calvin." The elderly woman rubbed her nose once with a handkerchief and continued. "I had already told you that, in my dream, I had encount- ered the forest while I was on my way. The forest was so dark and scary. Then I was afraid if suddenly long hand would come out of the bushes and grab my neck or pull on my earlobe. I lost my way... and I was barely getting out of the forest. Wow, I felt, oh, God, like standing on the edge of the cliff, can you imagine, looking down below.'" The old lady breathed deeply a sign of relief, sweeping down her chest in surprise. "By the way, I encountered a new road that blocked my way from the forest. Along the road the towering pillars shaped like lighthouse stood up in disorder. I was just thinking, I can go, I have to go. I was afraid that bad guys like wolves would attack me from behind or in the pillars. I barely closed my eyes and moved ahead feeling the pillars and pillars with my hands." Before Calvin saw it, the woman's hand was on her neck. "Have you ever visited clinics?"  "Oh, there are many. Wellhausen psychiatric hospital across the bridge, and Hobbes......" "Yes, thank you. Please tell me what diagnosis you were given." "I'm not sure if doctors can ask me that..." "Oh, if it is, let me guess, instead. Doctors might have told you about your husband. And I guess they made a speedy diagnosis that you would still be a young, sexually active and attractive woman with a perfect blood circulation......" "It's about right. Wellhausen did, too, and Dr. Timon told me like that." "Madam, dream is not a puzzle to find answers from some discipline." "Then, you mean... that they worked my problem like a quiz play? They measured my body with the tapeline?" "That's it. It's just a symbolic interpretation of things that appeared in your dreams. They always do that... this and that..." "I don't know. So they didn't diagnose properly my dreams, Calvin?" Calvin thought that patients, at their seriously important situations, were inclined to find an expert or a doctor. "Did not you come to me because you do not like their diagnosis, Mrs. Taylor?" The woman nodded. "Maybe you felt shy and embarrassed, when listening to their diagnosis." "Right. I... at this age, was embarrassed by the feeling of being treated as such a woman. " The old lady took the water cup that Silva had brought to her lips. She was staring at Calvin while drinking water. "Calvin, are you seeing my dream with different ways?" "That's right. I look at it as storytelling rather than puzzles or quizzes. You were a little scared, and your heart beat fast, but I would like to say that you have a strong heart that can face any excitement or fear." "So...... " "Mrs. Taylor, would not you be offended if I looked into your dream a little bit?" Looking into one's own dream...... At Calvin's absurd request, she shrugged her shoulders. Calvin's office did not have a picture or wallpaper background depicting a green field that could be catching her eyes for the sake of her mind stability. She looked around and turned to Calvin. Then, Calvin said. "If you can show your dreams to others, you may well want your dream to be healed properly." "Can I show my dreams to others?" The old lady reacted absurdly. Her eyes grew bigger. "No, Calvin, can you see my dream?" "Maybe." She dropped her eyes down as if a part of the underpants had sprung out. "Oh my God, I'm telling you, medicine is developing terribly evil. Calvin, I'd rather be treated by a doctor like Henry Jekyll than Edward Hyde." "I think so, too. Haven't you ever wanted to look into your dream again?" "Of course not. Wait, why... not? Well, I used to feel that my dream was already broken." "Well, then. The words I mentioned today can be a shock to you, Mrs. Taylor. You need to be prepared until you come to see me again." Mrs. Taylor stood up from her seat. Calvin could not help but be surprised when he saw her outfit. She was wearing colored pants tightly attached to her legs. On the bottom, flowers were embroidered. After registering Mrs. Taylor's account and some personal details to bill for her treatment, Silva took her into a small photo room. Before taking a few color photographs, Silva elaborated on the details, but the old lady slightly complain- ed why her face and whole body should to be taken shot at the clinic. However, when the lighting came on, she immediately put up her waist and behaved gaily, demanding Silva photos be carefully well shot.
Y.S.Jeon had a father who ran a small doctor's surgery, when he was a kid. He grew up considering his father's medical treatment not only for the trauma of the patient but also for the pain of the heart through counseling. The clinic of the hero Calvin, who opened the door to the Hilltop, may have started in this familiar environment. The author is not a person to be familiar with in the daily newspaper culture or social aspects. However, he has contributed to cultural events in the region and has been expanding his creative scope by winning awards. Through the characters in DREAM UNSHARED, through Dr. Calvin, he clearly describes the situation in which the stubbornness of medical conscience is not only directly linked to the well-being of the nation, but also affects the security of the nation. The author tells you one way of reaching the value of life. The reader who met this book is like a man who accidentally found a pearl while walking on the placid beach. It is because, like a confession of a reader, you will enjoy the pleasure of reading down in one night. Y.S.Jeon is the author of, LOOK AGAIN AT MARY and PAINTINGS AND LONGINGS and several books. His other book, BUSAN BEOMNAEGOL 1972 is about the author's childhood. He majored in English literature at the university. He currently lives in Busan.▮AUTHOR CONTACT penandbook@hanmail.net
